The New Ecologist made a list of the top 10 anti-pollutant houseplants and their descriptions. They rate the best as:
The Feston Rose plant
This houseplant brilliantly tolerates highly saline conditions, lack of water, scorching heat and billowing winds. The leaves of this houseplant bear a very strong and pleasant aroma. This houseplant not only purifies the air in your house but also leaves a beautiful aroma.
Devil’s Ivy
This plant acts as an excellent natural anti-pollutant against common pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. If kept on a top shelf, this plant climbs down as it matures. However, you should take care that this plant is not ingested in any way even by your own pet dog.
With its beautiful flowers, this plant will surely enhance the beauty of your home and also purify the air inside your house. The houseplant itself is very small but the flowers are relatively big and marvelous.
English Ivy
An ideal houseplant for people who have pets. Scientifically termed as Hedera Helix, this plant is known to filter indoor pollutants like fecal particles, formaldehyde aerosols and much more and keep your house toxin free. Care should be taken while placing English ivy indoors because it is poisonous.
Parlor Ivy
Scientifically termed as Philodendron Scandens, this beautiful climbing plant is easier to grow and much easier to maintain. It successfully filters out unwanted and harmful chemicals in your household making the air fresh and healthy to breathe in.
African Violets
One of the most beautiful houseplants, African Violets make your house appear prettier and also fresher. Scientifically termed as the Saintpaulia species, this houseplant has really pretty violet flowers that simply awe you. However, you should take care that these beautiful plants are not infested with those pathetic mealybugs.
Christmas Cactus
Unlike its name, this plant is neither a Christmas tree nor a cactus. Moreover, this plant blooms beautiful during Christmas time and hence can prove to be a great Christmas gift.
Yellow Goddess
Be careful not to ingest all parts of plant are poisonous. Also keeps the air fresh and fragrant, so its attractive to bees.
Garlic Vine
Everyone very well knows the use of garlic as a placebo for innumerable health conditions. Even this plant can be used for the same. You can use the leaves, roots, flowers, etc., to treat cold, fever, sore throat and other breathing problems.
Many people suggest that this houseplant pushes out all the bad luck from your house. It bears beautiful lavender hued bell shaped flowers. Garlic vine serves a two in one purpose of air purification and treatments.
Peace Lily
The nail polishes, paints, other solvents and adhesives contain harmful pollutants like benzene, toluene and xylene. These pollutants are successfully filtered out in the ambience of your house by the beautiful Peace lily houseplant. To prevent sun burn, you must place the peace lilies away from the direct sunlight.
This article interests me as my itchy throat has persisted and it has been beyond the time frame that a viral bug would survive. I have been thinking allergies might be the culprit or the air quality of my apartment. I was lucky enough to find an article at Dr. Mercola's website that spoke to plants that help reduce pollution in your house. I was surprised to find that 3 out of 4 of my houseplants were on the list (Devil's Ivy, Orchid, and Peace Lily). I plan to purchase another plant this weekend as I have felt the need to have some in my bedroom as well.
As Mercola's website pronounces living closer to nature can help you live longer, and so the presence of some household plants can do more than you think for your psyche.
For a more detailed, thorough explanation of how these household plants help your air quality please check The New Ecologist from which all textual information was found.