Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stop Frankenfish! Say no to GMO!

Normal fish vs. Frankenfish; more fish, but what is the price?

Do your part and sign a letter to tell President Obama that you say "No!" to genetically modified salmon.

Click here to do your civic duty and make a difference in the world.

After you sign the letter you can even send to 10 of your most politically active friends. It's easy and you are supporting a cause that can truly impact the health of our nation.

As you may already know, genetically modified food is unnatural and has not been adequately tested for its safety. Unfortunately many foods have made this leap, and most people don't even know it. Soybeans and corn are big ones (and not the only ones at that).

There is also cloning happening, where animals are being cloned for production. Humans are now consuming these animals, even though there have not been enough studies done. (Yes, that's right, and they do not label the meat as "cloned," that just wouldn't sell the same, would it?)

Unfortunately some studies show that these cloned animals are quite unhealthy.

They suffer from a mountain of ailments from physical abnormalities, cancer, immune system defects and not to mention early deaths. In one study 83% of clones died after their 800th day on earth.

When you think of fish, you think of the word "fresh," maybe you imagine the fish swimming happily about a stream; frankenfish, on the other hand, are so sick that most of them would die soon whether or not you filleted it. (Sound familiar? Hint: think meat industry).

And after all of this, we ask, is it weird that humans are suffering from compromised immune systems and a slew of health problems, when the "food" we put in our bodies also have the same issues?

Not enough to get you to sign the (cuss) letter? Here's more info:
10 freakiest things about Frankenfish
What are the risks of genetically modified salmon?
Article that explores more genetically modified salmon issues

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